The National Security Guard (NSG) is a Special Response Unit in India that has primarily been utilized for counter-terrorism activities and was created by the Cabinet Secretariat under the National Security Guard Act of the Indian Parliament in 1986. It works completely within the Central Paramilitary Force structure.
How to get into NSG
The basic training period at the organisation's training centre at Manesar, 50km from New Delhi, last ninety days. Only those who complete the entire course successfully are in inducted into the NSG and given further specialised training. The probation grind saps the toughest of recruits and the drop out rate is 50 - 70%.
Courses offered
(a) Police Commando Instructors Course (PCIC).
(b) VIP Security Course.
(c) VIP Driving Course
(d) Bomb Disposal Course.
(e) Bomb Disposal Refresher Course (BDRC).
(f) Post Blast Study Course (PBSC).
(g) Left Wing Extremism Course (LWEC).
Training Center
The NSG Training Centre is located at Manesar, a village of Gurgaon District in Haryana. Manesar is situated on Delhi-Jaipur National Highway No . 8 and is approximately 50 Km from New Delhi Railway Station and 20 Km from Gurgaon Railway Station. It is approachable by bus from Delhi. All buses from Delhi / Gurgaon going towards Jaipur pass in front of the campus.
Training methods
1. A rope obstacle in a 26-item obstacle course - qualifying time for the course is 18 minutes but the best manage to do in just nine
For starters there is a 26-item, 780 metre obstacle course, with a qualifying time of 18 minutes. If a person completes the course in 25 minutes, he is deemed fit. The best do it in less than nine minutes. The obstacles have to do with heights, horizontal gaps and vertical scaling and are difficult to tackle in sequence. As if this is not enough, there's a target shooting session at the end of the obstacle course meant to test the aspirants' performance under severe stress and exhaustion.
2. Combat Room Shoot, the combatant enters a dark room, adjusts to the darkness and engages the target with either a torch light or a compatible laser image intensifier - all within three seconds. And not just in darkness but under the strobe lights of a discotheque as well, which are some of the most difficult shots to take. "We train them to take only head shots.
3. Practising fast-reaction shooting from difficult angles at targets that pop up for split seconds to achieve absolute accuracy
4. The men are also put through a battle inoculation program where they have to stand right next to the target while one of their partners shoots at it. "They have to become used to live bullets flying under their noses.
5. Some of them have received additional training in Israel and use weapons like the 9mm Uzi sub-machine gun
6. They are also armed with state-of-the-art, day & night, surveillance gadgets and other sophisticated equipment
7. For maintaining the young profile of the force, troops are rotated and sent back to their parent organisations after serving in the NSG for three to five years.
Specialised Training
Obstacle traninig
Physical Training
Joint Training
Some of the Weapons they used
SG 552 Commando
Heckler & Koch MP5
Glock pistol
Heckler & Koch PSG1
Corner Shot Guns
Wall Surveillance Radar
Ghillie Suits
Night Vision Camera
Thermal Imaging Cameras
NSG In Action
Hotel Taj
National Games
Guarding Spectator Entrance
Maurya Sheraton SAARC sumit
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